We desire to see God move in our community.
CrossPoint Christian Church is drawn together by a common faith for worship and service. We wear no name but that of Christians yet do not claim to have to have attained everything the name represents. We are focused on the great commission as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (NIV).

"To glorify God by lovingly pointing people to the cross of Christ, for salvation and growth."
- We value solid biblical preaching and teaching to promote spiritual growth.
- We value the power of prayer for a fruitful Christian life.
- We value those who are wandering and the mission to point them towards the Savior.
- We value a church family that is united and loving, serving, and encouraging one another in the Lord.
- We value small groups as one of the best places to experience life change.
- We value a church that embraces change and is relevant while remaining true to Scripture.
- We value a church that is focused on both local and global evangelism.
- We value a dynamic worship service that is meaningful and brings the worshiper into the presence of God.
- We value families, youth, and all of our children as beloved members of God's family.
Here is a short description of what we believe and value about key Scriptural teachings.
We enjoy raising our voices together in song and praise with instruments during our Worship services.
We study, teach, and work as the Holy Spirit leads, carrying on our work and worship as we understand scriptural teaching.
We study, teach, and work as the Holy Spirit leads, carrying on our work and worship as we understand scriptural teaching.
We enjoy raising our voices together in song and praise with instruments during our Worship services.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper together as a body during our Worship services each week.
Our prayers are intended for power, and not just as a part of the program. The preaching of the Word of God is given a prominent place, for we believe that in Christian worship God always speaks, and that we must be attuned to hear.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper together as a body during our Worship services each week.
Our prayers are intended for power, and not just as a part of the program. The preaching of the Word of God is given a prominent place, for we believe that in Christian worship God always speaks, and that we must be attuned to hear.
Our giving is liberal and proportionate, symbolic of the dedication of what we have and who we are. However, we do not merely exist for selfish purposes, but follow Him who came to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. To the extent we can, we help in mission work and benevolence.
Our giving is liberal and proportionate, symbolic of the dedication of what we have and who we are. However, we do not merely exist for selfish purposes, but follow Him who came to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. To the extent we can, we help in mission work and benevolence.
Those who seek Christ are taught to believe in Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, to repent of their sins, confess their faith in Jesus Christ and be buried with Him in baptism. Thus, we do not practice infant baptism.
Those who seek Christ are taught to believe in Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, to repent of their sins, confess their faith in Jesus Christ and be buried with Him in baptism. Thus, we do not practice infant baptism.