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Trusting God With Everything

by Cathy Martinez

Trust is a critical part of our journey in life. It is defined as “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something” (Merriam-Dictionary, 2021). It is the first thing we learn when we are born into this world. We must learn to trust those around us for our own survival. But as the years go on, we learn that trusting the world and others sometimes brings disappointment, heartache, and grief to our lives. Sometimes it is difficult when trust is broken, and our world comes crashing down in an instant. We are then left with the demolition of our hearts and emptiness deep within our souls.

When trust is destroyed, the road to healing can be full of doubt and distress. We can even vow to never trust again. But Psalm 118 gives a better answer to this difficulty that we face. It states, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man” (v. 8 ESV). Even though we are each “perfectly” made, we are not perfect, which means that we are going to hurt each other. We must learn that the only perfect trust on earth is found in the One and only perfect God.

For me, trust in my life has been shattered in more ways than I would like to admit. I have been disappointed and hurt plenty of times, but I have learned an important lesson. I have learned that no matter what happens in my life, I can always trust in God to help me through it all. I can trust that He will teach me how to see beyond the pain that I feel. I can trust that He will show me the walls inside my heart that keep others out. I can trust that He will reveal the truth that I would rather not hear. And I can trust that He will provide a way out of the emptiness that burdens my soul.

I know that trusting in God with everything involves me choosing to listen to what He reveals to me every day. Proverbs 3 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (v. 5-6). I know that I cannot control the actions of others, but I can control the trust that I put in God and do things His way. When I follow the path that he leaves for me, I believe that He will make it straight.

If that road does not match my version of “straight,” I have to trust there is a good enough reason why. I know that He will reveal what I need to know in His time. If that path ends in a place I was not expecting, I have to trust in the same way. Trusting in Him means trusting no matter what I see or where I am. It is trusting no matter how hard it gets. It is being confident that He will guide all my next steps, even the ones that I do not want to take. I either trust Him with everything or I do not trust Him at all. He allows me to make that choice. And choosing to trust Him is the greatest gift to the greatest Father I have ever known.

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